Multi-apartments of the latest generation/ Apartment Ecotun

“Ecotun’s” new project is a multi-apartment complex of eco-houses of the latest generation, developed taking into account seismic standards and at the same time unprecedented architectural and design solutions. The first stage of construction involves 26 eco-houses, about 3,000 apartments. Housing design solutions are provided taking into account all the requirements inherent in modern and comfortable living. But they also have the required flexibility to adapt to the preferences of each client. The eco-building consists of external heat-insulated walls, and the inner seismic-resistant construction is a monolithic reinforced concrete consisting of timbers and pillars. The eco-building is completely covered by hardened solar panels. Inner-floor coating is a monolithic reinforced concrete mass. The buildings will use the best quality energy-efficient technologies in heating, cooling, ventilation and water supply. The houses’ heating and cooling system provides highly efficient (up to 4 SCOP) heat pumps hidden in the exterior walls of the building. The building is insulated. To minimize heat loss in the building, it will be completely surrounded by thick and heat-insulating layers from outside (between the walls there is a thin layer of fiber, non-flammable, basalt cotton). And sound insulation is promoted by high-quality, infrared and buffer windows, which also contribute to energy-efficiency.

  • They are provided with backup water and electricity, in a word the building has a high degree of autonomy.
  • Thanks to a non-flammable, environmentally friendly heat-insulating film, the entire building is energy-efficient. Heat losses due to thermal insulation are minimized.
  • The buildings have security and fire extinguishing systems.
  • It is equipped with high quality heating and cooling systems.
  • Thanks to the eco-friendly design and features of the project, all apartments are sunny.
  • The top floor and the roof of the building are connected and divided into a two floored 5-6 roomed penthouses ranging from 251 to 308 square meters.
  • Solar electricity produced by eco-houses will be distributed among residents free of charge, according to  surface equivalent.
  • The opportunity of choosing the materials for interior design in apartments.
  • The design of the building is distinguished by its color and lighting effects.
  • The courtyards of the complex will have green paths, swimming pools and dry fountains with lighting effects.
  • Each eco building will generate electricity up to 2 mln kWh per year for its own needs.
  • The buildings are designed with strict seismic, architectural and safety standards.
  • All buildings have 2 safest elevators on the market, small and large, which are energy-efficient and recuperative.

Due to the volume of demand, for the systematic distribution among buyers, it became necessary to use the online version of the application. You can find a detailed description of all types of apartments on the website and choose the one that suits your needs. The eco-buildings will be launched in the areas of Arabkir(Griboedov and Argutyan streets)The project is currently in the process of obtaining building permits and other relevant documentation.

Purchase process

  1. First, apply for an apartment online through the site.
  2. Credit check.
  3. Choosing an apartment in turn for purchase.
  4. The conclusion of the contract of sale.
  • Our partner bank is HSBC with a down payment of 10%, for up to 20 years, with an interest rate of 11%.
  • The Income Tax Law is in force.
  • By installments 30% -77% down payment, 36-60 months of even repayment, 0% annual.
  • The ability to select materials for basic repairs.
  • Separate energy-saving heating and cooling system.
  • The prices range from  ~$65000-$174000 (1sq.~ $1250 -$1440).
The general service of the eco-buildings will be provided by Ecotun LLC. Maintenance fee is 150 ֏ per month, including free access to solar energy, the service of public areas, general security, and elevators. The construction of these buildings is hoped to facilitate the implementation of other similar construction projects, and that more houses will be built to increase energy-efficiency.